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Trusted more than 60+ companies from various industries

Inconis Nusa Jaya, PT
Inconis Nusa Jaya, PT Outsourcing
Inconis is leading Oil & Gas Service company in Indonesia, We provide safe and reliable range of manpower services for your company.

Inconis is experienced in providing support for Drilling and Workover personnel for all positions ranging from floor man to Site Manager for technical persons. For non technical persons, we have numbers of support system drilling and workover experts. All personnel who work for this activity have gone through a large amount of experience and certification.
Mitra Utama Madani, PT
Mitra Utama Madani, PT Outsourcing
PT Mitra Utama Madani is founded by Koperasi Karyawan Madani to fulfill human resources demand of PNM Group. We implemented some module to enhance it main business process including Online Recruitment system, Payroll for outsourced employee, and Project Management. In this project, we integrated the Project Management module with Whatsapp thus the notification can be retrieved on mobile via Whatsapp.